not a political podcast, my goal is to give you some interesting material to listen to in Polish. In my opinion listening and reading is the most effective way to learn languages. Polish transcription of podcast is available for all premium users.
News from Poland
RP369: Co to są wirusy
This podcast is for learners of Polish language. In this episode I’m talking about viruses and about case of 2019-nCov. There are also available audio and Polish transcriptions. Reading and listening is the best way to improve your level of Polish.
RP360: Manson, Tarantino i Polański
In this learning about the Polish podcast, I’m talking about Quentin Tarantino’s latest film “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, and about the Manson Family, Sharon Tate and about Polish director Roman Polanski. Of course, you can read while listening, and there is a Polish transcription available for active members.
RP357: Protesty w Hongkongu
In this Learn Real Podcast I’m talking about the situation in Hong Kong. Why are people from Hong Kong protesting? I’m sure it will be an interesting way for you to practice your understanding. There is a Polish transcript available for each user of my learning Polish programs, so you can read and listen at […]
RP356: Wakacje w Krynicy-Zdroju (video)
This time I invite you to watch the film from my trip to Krynica-Zdrój. I tell you about Krynica, also about Nikifor, an interesting artist, and you will see what it looks like around Krynica-Zdrój. Video is only available on my website.