Try VIP Club content for free:
Sample 1 (Vocabulary)
Sample 2 (Vlog)
Sample 3 (Reading a book)
Sample 4 (Recorded webinar)
Sample 5 (Dictation)
Sample 6 (Old movies)
Live online Polish coaching and the community of enthusiastic learners who won’t let you give up.
I invite you to join me for a webinar where I will discuss the benefits of VIP Club membership. In this webinar, I will provide insights into the content available and explain how you can utilize it to enhance your Polish language proficiency.
Throughout the session, I will showcase exclusive examples of the resources offered solely to VIP Club members. These include advanced vocabulary materials, authentic resources, and specialized courses covering various aspects of the Polish language. By the conclusion of the webinar, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how VIP Club membership can propel your Polish language skills to new heights.
- With our VIP club training program you’ll start understanding REAL POLISH content, not material prepared specifically for learners. Stop wasting your time trying to learn Polish from textbooks!
- W klubie VIP nauczysz się rozumieć PRAWDZIWY POLSKI, nie ten przygotowany dla uczniów. Przestań tracić czas na naukę polskiego z podręczników!
LEARN POLISH using VIP CLUB for one month and YOU’LL LOVE IT
You can cancel at any time if our VIP club doesn’t work for you
VIP Club content categories
Listen to the podcast and read full Polish transcription
Here you will find podcasts with full transcription in Polish. Remember, listening and reading is the best method of learning foreign languages.
Learn Polish from native speakers
Short fragments of Polish films, TV programs with my full explanation. A good Polish listening exercise. Also, my original short videos with commentaries in Polish.
Go with Piotr for a short trip
Here I want to invite you to go with me for a short trip. I’d like you to accompany me while I’m walking and explaining.
Archive of Polish Webinars in live
Recordings of Live Webinars for users of Premium Programs and our VIP Club. Every meeting is different, so it’s really hard to explain what it looks like. Please just check it out!
Course “Karta Polaka – Wiedza o Polsce”
Knowledge about Poland, a very good help for all applicants for Karta Polaka, but also something interesting for everyone keen on Polish culture, history, traditions and everyday life.
Course “50 Polish Idioms with stories”
In this program you will learn 50 Polish Idioms, by reading fun stories you will increase your vocabulary and your fluency in Polish.
Guided Polish reading
In this section I read some well-known books in Polish. You can follow me reading, listen to my explanations and enjoy an interesting story.
Polish Pronunciation Correction
In this section you can get feedback and corrections about your Polish pronunciation. Just record yourself speaking Polish and send it me. I’ll give you some tips on how to improve.
This exercise will help you memorize words, phrases and grammatical constructions faster in a completely unconscious way. At the same time you will practice listening comprehension. I invite you to take dictation in Polish!
Watch old movies and learn Polish
Watching silent movies is a good way to learn Polish! You can easily understand the plot of the movie, so by watching the movie with my commentary you will quickly learn Polish words and phrases from the context.
My mission here is to help students to raise their level of Polish, to increase their confidence and and to achieve a sense of fulfillment. Our VIP Club is an and fun way to learn through live webinars (1 hour every two weeks). In addition you have access to videos guided in real time. In live webinars and videos I explain real Polish content, fragments of films, short dialogues and I show my own videos. You have access to live webinars and you can watch all the videos: past, present and future. Monthly fee is only 3 cups of mokate cappuccino 50PLN (10 euro).
Moją misją jest pomaganie uczącym się polskiego, tak aby rósł ich poziom polskiego, pewności siebie i zadowolenie. Klub VIP jest łatwym i przyjemnym sposobem na naukę polskiego. Podczas webinarów na żywo (1 godzina co dwa tygodnie) wyjaśniam wątpliwości językowe. Dodatkowo masz dostęp do filmików zrobionych w czasie rzeczywistym, w których tłumaczę i wyjaśniam fragmenty filmów, w krótkie dialogi i pokazuję własne filmy wideo. Masz dostęp do dwóch webinarów na żywo miesięcznie oraz do wszystkich filmów, tych które już są i które pojawią się w przyszłości. Miesięczna opłata to tylko 3 filiżanki mokate cappuccino 50PLN (10 euro).
Hi Piotr,
The VIP Club is very interesting and changeable. It is much fun to watch the stories and to read the text. In one, your films, histories, and stories are fantastic. The entire homepage is a huge blessing. Thank you so much for your incredible effort and support.
I signed up for Polish VIP club because it seems to me that this is exactly the kind of service I need at my level of Polish learning.
I am stuck at the upper-intermediate level, it seems, and can’t seem to break through to real fluency. I know I need to do more listening, but it is often frustrating because I often can’t understand when people speak extremely quickly or indistinctly, or use a lot of slang. It takes a lot of time to listen to fragments repeatedly, trying to catch exact words, then looking up the meanings, etc.
I have often wished I could hire a Polish teacher to watch TV with me
and explain things I don’t understand or can’t hear clearly, and this is exactly that. :)
Best regards,
Sean Hartigan
Kind regards,

Najczęściej zadawane pytania (FAQ):
Na jakim poziomie są materiały w klubie VIP?
Filmy w klubie VIP są na poziomie średniozaawansowanym. Jeżeli rozumiesz to co jest napisane na tej stronie, to prawdopodobnie te materiały są na odpowiednim dla Ciebie poziomie.
Czy mogę zobaczyć przykładowy filmik?
Oczywiście! To są przykładowe materiały z klubu VIP:
- Sample from section “Learn Polish from native speakers”
- Sample from section “Go with Piotr for a short trip”
- Sample from section “Guided Polish reading”
- Sample from section “Archive of Polish Webinars in live”
Ile kosztuje uczestnictwo w klubie VIP?
Uczestnictwo w klubie VIP kosztuje 50 PLN (~10 euro) miesięcznie. To nie więcej niż trzy kawy!
Czy mogę zrezygnować w każdym momencie?
Tak. Można zrezygnować w każdym momencie bez podawania przyczyny.
Czy członek klubu VIP ma dostęp do wszystkich materiałów?
Tak. Każdy członek ma dostęp do wszystkich materiałów, które znajdują się w klubie VIP oraz do tych, które znajdą się w przyszłości. Programy 100DPS i 365DPL nie należą do klubu VIP.
Jak często są dodawane filmiki do klubu VIP?
Co 2-3 dni dodawany jest nowy filmik.
Jak często odbywają się webinary na żywo?
Webinary odbywają się co dwa tygodnie.
Jak dowiem się o nowym webinarze na żywo?
Wszyscy aktywni członkowie klubu VIP dostają informacje przez email o webinarach na żywo. Jeśli nie możesz być na żywo, to możesz obejrzeć powtórkę każdego webinaru w klubie VIP.
Czy będąc w klubie VIP mam dostęp do transkrypcji podkastów?
Tak. Każdy użytkownik klubu VIP ma dostęp do wszystkich transkrypcji.
– For the cost of 3 cups of mokate cappuccinoto access to all resources in VIP Club –
Witaj Piotr :)
Nie moge pobierac podkast na VIP Club. Czy mozesz pomagac mnie? :)
Marie, proszę użyj tego formularza i napisz jaki jest adres email do Ciebie.
I want to learn Polish language to get Certificate Level B1 to get Polish citizen. I can understand Polish basically and communication. Could you give idea where can i start to learn …. and It can take for how long to reach level B1? Thank you.
Hi Tina, it’s is really hard question :) How long it takes to reach level B1? It depends on you, how much time you have to spend using Polish every day, what you will do every day… etc If you want to learn using my method, please start from 100 Daily Polish Stories. This program will give you fluency in Polish after 6-8 months, if you will use it every day for at least one hour.