Welcome to learn Polish podcast! In this episode I’m talking about 8 important keys to success, not only in Polish learning. This podcast in Polish is a really good way to improve your listening skills. You can listen and read at the same time. After some repetitions you are ready to listen and understand it […]
R289: Miałem zły tydzień
Welcome to new learn Polish podcast! In this episode I’m telling about what happened last week. I had some problems with hackers, and Jobie, my dog, bitten by another dog. Please listen to this story and learn Polish naturally. Listen to the podcast: 24:16 | Download mp3 file: Muzyka: Stringed Disco Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under […]
RP288: Potomkowie Sybiraków
In this episode of Lear Polish Podcast I will tell you why there are so many Poles in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. I will tell you about Polish history, about Poles who have been imprisoned and exiled to Siberia. Russian and Soviet authorities deported to Siberia hundreds of hundreds of Poles. Lot’s of Poles who […]
RP287: Jak Rasid nauczył się mówić po polsku | How Rasid Learned to Speak Polish
Sometimes people are saying that Polish is the hardest language to learn, sometimes that Hungarian is the hardest one. In this episode of learning Polish podcast we will hear from Rasid, my Hungarian friend, how he learned Polish. Listen to the podcast: 42:00 | Download mp3 file: Muzyka:Stringed Disco Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: […]
RP286: Jak słuchać rzeczy, których nie rozumiesz | How to listen to things in Polish language you do not understand
Polish learners often have the problem that they don’t understand most of what they hear. Depending on what you listen to, once you understand more, sometimes less. In this session I want to give you three strategies how to listen to Polish stuff you don’t understand but still you will learn something. Listen to the […]