This is second part of series about Polish language. Today we will learn why Poles use latin alphabet and what words from latin we still use in Polish.
VIP Club
VIP157: Wiedza o Polsce – 8. Język polski cz.1
Today we begin a new short series about Polish language. There are six short videos which I’ll explain. In each we will learn something about development of Polish language.
VIP156: Tips for Polish Pronunciation – Meltem from Turkey [18:00]
This time we have recording from Meltem from Turkey. Meltem speaks fluently in Polish and she has really good pronunciation. She works as a guide with Poles. In this video I’ll give her some tips how to improve her pronunciation. Also we will hear how beautiful she sing in Polish. I can give you some […]
VIP155: Polish Pronunciation – Eduardo from Guatemala [16:33]
Today we have recording from Eduardo, who is Spanish native speaker and he speaks really good in Polish. I’ll try to make some suggestions for him how to improve Polish pronunciation. Improve Your Polish Pronunciation Send your short Polish recording and I will give you some feedback about your Polish pronunciation and how you can […]
VIP154: Poszukiwany morderca [26:14]
Today we will learn Polish from bad news. Kajetan Poznański is accused of murdering a 30-year-old woman in Warsaw. He was dismembering her body using samurai sword. He was fascinated with the film character of Hannibal Lecter.