During this live webinar, I teach you some Polish expressions with the word “dać”.
VIP webinar
VIP1396: Polskie przysłowia
During this live webinar, I presented commonly used Polish proverbs. Your task was to guess their meaning or the context in which they are used.
VIP1391: Puścić – webinar
This is a replay of a live webinar. This time, I talk about word ‘puścić’ in the Polish language and we do some exercises.
VIP1386: Trzymać – webinar
This is a replay of a live webinar. This time, I talk about word ‘trzymać’ in the Polish language and we do some exercises.
VIP1372: Emocje – webinar
Podczas tego webinaru podam definicję, a twoim zadaniem będzie odgadnąć nazwę emocji