Ucz się polskiego szybko i łatwo
Uzyskaj natychmiastowy dostęp do tego wyjątkowego programu
- 2 godziny webinarów na żywo miesięcznie
- Dodatkowe materiały (mp3 + pdf)
Co otrzymasz?
- Natychmiastowy dostęp do subskrypcji 100 Daily Polish Stories.
- Powiadomienia o 2 webinarach na żywo każdego miesiąca.
- Dostęp do 10 historyjek po polsku (mp3 + pdf) każdego miesiąca.
- Możliwość anulowania w dowolnym momencie.
Learn Polish Fast and Easy
Get instant access to this special program
- 2 hours of live online webinars per month
- Additional materials included (mp3 + pdf)
What will you get?
- Immediate access to the 100 Daily Polish Stories subscription.
- Notifications about 2 live webinars every month.
- Access to 10 Polish stories (mp3 + pdf) every month.
- The freedom to cancel anytime.
Dla kogo jest ten program?
Ten program został stworzony dla najbardziej zmotywowanych uczniów polskiego.
Pomoże Ci:
- Realizować miesięczny plan nauki.
- Uczyć się naturalnie, bez wkuwania gramatyki i list słówek.
- Mówić po polsku z pewnością siebie i łatwością.
Who is this program for?
This subscription is designed for the most motivated Polish learners.
It will help you:
- Follow a structured monthly learning plan.
- Learn Polish naturally, without memorizing grammar rules or vocabulary lists.
- Speak Polish with confidence and ease.
Co zawiera subskrypcja?
Każdy miesięczny pakiet zawiera:
- 2 godziny webinarów na żywo, które pomogą Ci w nauce.
- 10 historyjek po polsku – w tym:
- 30 plików audio
- 10 plików tekstowych
- Dostęp do transkrypcji każdego podcastu.
What’s included in the subscription?
Each monthly set contains:
- 2 hours of live webinars to guide your learning.
- 10 Daily Polish Stories – including:
- 30 audio files
- 10 text files
- Access to Polish transcription for every podcast.
Czy jesteś gotowy na sukces w nauce polskiego?
Ten program jest przeznaczony dla bardzo zmotywowanych uczniów, którzy chcą z powodzeniem używać polskiego w codziennym życiu.
Jeśli to jest Twój cel, zacznij już dziś!
Are you ready to succeed in Polish?
This program is for highly motivated learners who want to use Polish successfully in real-world situations.
If this is your goal, start today!
No refunds are allowed. You may cancel at anytime.
Why Are Stories with Questions and Answers So Effective?
People here are really impressed with my Polish :))) THANK YOU !!!!
The RealPolish learning method has an unexpected advantage (for myself)
Recently I have found that if I listen carefuly to each lesson several times, and resist the urgency of glancing at the text, little by little I can learn new words from the context, helped by each new word I learn this way, after several times I can figure out the entire lesson, without the text at all.
When I finally read the text, I have already learned over 95% of the new words just by context.
This is amazing. Your method is a great blessing for all of us that are learning your beautiful and poetic language.
Piotr, I love your website and I?m a true believer in your language learning system. I have been teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) for many years. Your system is a refreshing example of the Communicative Method! Bravo to you and much success in the future!
Firstly, finally there seems to be some useful polish teaching on the web. Thanks!
Your method is fantastic and fits my learning style perfectly. I imagine many Polish teachers will find your method insane. There is a misconception that because Polish is complicated grammatically we must study MORE grammar, unconnected to the real world, before we can attempt anything communicative. Many explanations of Polish simply do not help the learner. I have studied in several classes where time taken to “explain” grammar points such as dokonany/niedokonany has bogged down the learning process to the point no further learning can take place. I have studied in a school in Krakow where teachers thought they were teaching communicatively but were doing nothing of the sort. I simply can’t learn lists of unconnected vocabulary. I must have words in contexts.
What I like about your method and resources is that I am exposed to real language. I might not understand all the words you use or be able to precisely deconstruct your grammar and syntax, but that is not the point. By repeated exposure to your materials I will improve my Polish ? first passively, then actively.
In short, I think your resources are wonderful. However I must say your method goes against the teaching method of 99% of Polish teachers I have encountered so far!
Please keep on doing what you are doing. Your website is such a blessing. I wish I had found you a long time ago. Before I struggled so much with lots of grammar books and money wasting courses while making virtually no progress. I have only been visiting your site for about a month now and cannot believe the progress I have made in my comprehension in such a short time.
Thank you. I have been looking for this kind of lesson all over. The reading pace is very good. 5 stars.
Thank you so much for the Extended Stories? One thing I find very difficult with the Polish language is the speed with which people speak. This is why I will soon be taking your premium courses, as I think the clarity and tempo of your recordings are perfect for a beginner.
Thanks for all the hard work you have put into these resources ? much appreciated ? by FAR the best website for those of us wanting to practice beginner/intermediate Polish :)
I think these files would be very good for beginners. I like the way you read the story very slowly at first, and then more quickly. The sound effects in the slow version of the story are useful, too ? I think they could help a beginner visualize the story more easily.
~Sean H.
I have been trying to learn Polish by myself for the last 3 years and your website is the BEST I’ve ever seen. BRAVO!