Learn Polish by listening to the Learn Real Polish podcast! We all find ourselves in difficult situations from which a way out must be found—serious matters that need to be considered and resolved. I’ll talk about the concept of Friedrich Nietzsche, who said: “What does not kill me makes me stronger.”
I also want to tell you about the concept of the “Black Swan” introduced in the book by Nassim Taleb. I invite you to listen and learn some Polish from this episode, and please remember that premium users of realpolish.pl can access the full Polish transcript of every episode of the podcast for deeper comprehension.
RP473: Lingwistyka
Learn Real Polish is a podcast for learners of the Polish language. In this episode, I talk about linguistics. I believe you are keen on linguistics, so I aim to explain it in a comprehensible way. Listening to this episode will not only give you information about linguistics but also help you learn Polish. Premium users of realpolish.pl can access the full Polish transcript for deeper comprehension.
RP471: Kolory osobowości
Welcome to this episode of Learn Real Polish, where I will tell you about four basic personality types. Dr. Taylor Hartman labeled them as red, yellow, blue, and white. I think you will be so interested in discovering which personality type you are that you will even forget you are listening in Polish. Comprehensible input will facilitate your Polish learning. Remember that premium users of realpolish.pl can also access the complete Polish transcript for enhanced comprehension.
RP470: Polish Jokes
In this episode of the Learn Polish Podcast, the focus is on Polish Jokes. We’ll explore the history and cultural significance of these jokes, and how they reflect certain aspects of Polish humor and society. I’ll discuss this fascinating subject in simple Polish, providing comprehensible input to help you improve your language skills. Premium users of realpolish.pl can also access the full Polish transcript for enhanced comprehension.
RP469: Absurdyzm
Welcome to the latest episode of Learn Real Polish. In this episode, we’ll listen to two recordings I received from Julia and Larysa. They discuss synchronicities in their lives. Additionally, we’ll shift our perspective and delve into absurdism, a theory positing that the universe is irrational and devoid of inherent meaning. I trust that this Polish comprehensible input will facilitate your Polish learning journey and keep it engaging. Premium users of realpolish.pl can also access the complete Polish transcript for enhanced comprehension. Enjoy!