This episode of Learn Polish Podcast is about Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher whose work has a profound impact on modern intellectual history. There is audio and text available, you can listen and read at the same time.
RP381: Historia Białorusi w skrócie
In this episode of Learn Polish Podcast you will listen to a brief history of Belarus. If you are a beginner I want you to listen and read at the same time. This way you will learn how to pronounce Polish words. On the higher level it is up to you, you can only listen to podcast if you understand almost everything.
RP380: Wakacje w Ustroniu
This time, besides the podcast, I have a video for you. I want to show you how I spent my holidays in Beskid Śląski. You will be able to see beautiful mountains and forests. I also visited several cities to see parks and palaces. I invite you to listen, watch and read transcriptions to practice […]
RP379: Bronisław Malinowski i antropologia
In this episode of Real Polish Podcast I’m talking anthropology and Polish anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski, author of ethnological work ‘The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia’. It’s really interesting story, so please listen and read the Polish transcription at the same time, if you do it often, your Polish will grow really fast.
RP378: Słowianie i ich języki
In this episode of Real Polish Podcast I’m talking about I’m talking about the Slavs and the origin of their language. You will also listen to recordings of my listeners from Croatia and Ukraine. VIP Club members, among many other benefits, can listen and read the Polish transcription at the same time.