In this Learn Polish Podcast, I will discuss the trade war between the United States and China, particularly the Huawei case. Why is Huawei on the blacklist? Of course I’m not a political or economic expert, but I think this podcast would be interesting for Polish learners. I’m sure it will be an interesting comprehension exercise for you.
RP351: Katastrofa czarnobylska
This podcast is for Polish students. In every episode I want to give you something interesting to listen to. This time I’m talking about the Chernobyl accident. I was in my 20s when the accident happened. Every subscriber of any program has a transcript of the podcast, so you can listen and read at the same time.
RP350: Czy można stworzyć geniusza?
In this podcast, I talk about how you can create a genius. I mentioned two cases, the man with the highest IQ in the world – William Sidis and the chess masters – the Polgar sisters. As always, this is a way to create an interesting content that will help you learn Polish.
RP349: Genialny Leonardo da Vinci
In this episode of Learn Polish Podcast I telling about Leonardo da Vinci, the prime exemplar of the Renaissance Man. The Mona Lisa is the most famous of his works and do you think it is the best portrait he ever made? I’m sure this interesting way you will boost up your level of Polish.
RP348: Ludwik Zamenhof i esperanto
This episode of Learn Polish Podcast is about Esperanto. This widely spoken constructed language was created by Ludwik Zanenhof, who was born in the multi-ethnic city of Białystok, now in Poland. I’m sure that this interesting story will help you to focus on understanding in Polish. My goal is to help you learn the Polish […]