Jak Mogę Poprawić Swój Poziom Języka Polskiego?
Najprostsza odpowiedź brzmi: słuchaj i mów po polsku każdego dnia.
Ten program oferuje:
- 2 godziny webinarów na żywo miesięcznie (1 godzina co dwa tygodnie, łącznie 24 godziny w ciągu 12 miesięcy).
- 365 historyjek – po jednej na każdy dzień roku!
Historyjki są różnorodne:
- Niektóre to krótkie opowiadania z morałem.
- Inne to skrócone wersje znanych książek.
Przykłady książek zawartych w Daily Polish Stories:
- Sherlock Holmes – Arthur Conan Doyle
- Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe
- Opowieść o dwóch miastach – Charles Dickens
- Skradziony list – Edgar Allan Poe
- Moby Dick – Herman Melville
- Przygody Tomka Sawyera – Mark Twain
- Dr Jekyll i Mr Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
- Drakula – Bram Stoker
…i wiele innych!
Słuchając tych interesujących opowiadań każdego dnia:
- Stopniowo zrozumiesz więcej po polsku.
- Zyskasz pewność siebie w używaniu języka.
How Can I Improve My Polish Level?
The simplest answer is: listen to and speak Polish every day.
This program offers:
- 2 hours of live online webinar training per month (1 hour every two weeks, for a total of 24 hours over 12 months).
- 365 stories – one for each day of the year!
The stories vary in length and type:
- Some are short tales with a moral.
- Others are abridged versions of famous books.
Examples of books included in Daily Polish Stories:
- Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
- The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe
- Moby Dick by Herman Melville
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Dracula by Bram Stoker
…and many more!
By listening to these engaging stories every day, you will:
- Gradually understand more Polish.
- Feel more confident in using the language.

BUY FULL 365 Daily Polish Listening
Your service is exceptional, Piotr. I was a language teacher through my entire career, and you have a gift. I can’t fully express how much I enjoy and appreciate your work and materials. (…) Once again, I cannot say enough what a treasure RealPolish is for me. Never doubt your gift and the fruit it bears with us, your students. Thank you.
— Frank

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Prices are in PLN Zloty, but totals will be automatically converted to your currency at the payment stage.
Due to the nature of the product being an instant download I cannot offer refunds.
or start with the flexibility of Monthly Subscription!
With the monthly subscription, you’ll receive 30 new stories each month (one for a day), helping you improve your Polish at your own pace. It’s the perfect option to begin your Polish journey without any long-term commitment!
Course Details
Learn Real Polish – 365 Daily Polish Listening
This program is 2 hours of Live Online Webinar Training for 12 months (1 hour every 2 weeks = 24 hours). In addition you will get 365 stories, one story for each day of the year. Sometimes there are short stories with a moral, sometimes there are abridged books.