This is a series about Polish legends. Today you will hear the legend about Wanda who didn’t want a German.
RP411: Dobrze, znaczy wystarczająco dobrze
In this episode of the Learn Real Polish Podcast, I talk about the idea of being good enough. In language learning, we should set our expectations and not stress too much about our level. People often tend to compare themselves with other learners. Should we do that? I will try to explain you my point of view. As always, full Polish transcription of the podcast is available for all premium users on
VIP980: Dyktando 29
Learn Polish through dictation. Please listen carefully and then try to write down what you hear.
VIP979: Wiedza o Polsce – 15. Legendy 02. O Hejnale Mariackim
This is a series about Polish legends. Today you will hear the legend “Hejnał Mariacki”.
VIP978: Wyrażenia ze słowem NOGA cz.1
This is a replay of a live Learn Real Polish webinar. This time you will learn popular expressions with the word “leg” that we use every day.