Learn Polish from stories | Tym razem chcę obejrzeć z Wami filmik, który zrobiłem podczas zwiedzania Kazimierza Dolnego. Razem zobaczymy Wąwóz Korzeniowy Dół oraz Pomnik Pomordowanych Żydów.
VIP1346: Dobijać się do kogoś
In this video you will learn what does it mean Polish expression: Dobijać się do kogoś
RP479: Jan III Sobieski i Marysieńka
In this episode of the Learn Real Polish podcast, we dive into the fascinating story of Jan III Sobieski and his beloved Marysieńka, one of the most famous couples in Polish history. I’ll explore the intriguing relationship between the great Polish king and his wife, highlighting their letters and personal lives. As always, I strive to provide you with interesting and comprehensible content to support your Polish language learning journey. Premium users can access the full Polish transcript at realpolish.pl
VIP1345: Coś mnie rozbiera
In this video you will learn what does it mean Polish expression: Coś mnie rozbiera
VIP1344: Buzia w ciup
In this video you will learn what does it mean Polish expression: buzia w ciup