Learn Polish through dictation. Please listen carefully and then try to write down what you hear.
VIP976: Wiedza o Polsce – 14. Legendy 01. O Smoku Wawelskim
This is the first film in a series about Polish legends. Today you will hear the legend “Smok Wawelski.
RP410: Co jest po drugiej stronie?
This is Learn Real Polish Podcast. In this episode, I talk about a near-death experience. Interestingly, many common elements have been reported by people who have experienced it. I also discuss why we experience fear of death. Of course, as always, this is just an excuse to give you some interesting listening and reading material in Polish. Full Polish transcription of the podcast is available for all premium users on realpolish.pl
VIP975: Dyktando 27
Learn Polish through dictation. Please listen carefully and then try to write down what you hear.
VIP974: Kręcić z kimś
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression:
-Kręcić z kimś