Another dictation in Polish. Please listen carefully and then try to write down what you hear.
VIP930: Wyrażenia ze słowem ręka cz.1
This is a replay of a live Learn Real Polish webinar. This time you will learn popular expressions with the word “hand” that we use every day.
VIP929: Odcinać kupony
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression:
-Odcinać kupony
VIP928: Dyktando 12
Kolejne dyktando po polsku. Proszę posłuchaj uważnie, a potem spróbuj zapisać to co słyszysz.
RP401: Forsa za nic
In this episode of the Learn Real Polish podcast, I will address the topic of Universal Basic Income. Automation and robotization are leading to fewer paid jobs. The idea of “unconditionally free money for everyone” could help meet basic human needs.