Learning Polish through dictation. Listen carefully and try to write what you hear.
VIP905: Robimy test osobowości
This is a replay of live webinar for Polish learners. This time we will take a personality test.
VIP904: Dyktando 2
To ćwiczenie pomoże Ci szybciej zapamiętać słowa, zwroty i konstrukcje gramatyczne w sposób zupełnie nieświadomy. Jednocześnie będziesz ćwiczyć rozumienie ze słuchu. Zapraszam na dyktando po polsku!
VIP903: Dyktando 1
This exercise will help you memorize words, phrases and grammatical constructions faster in a completely unconscious way. At the same time you will practice listening comprehension. I invite you to take dictation in Polish!
RP396: Zygmunt III Waza
In this episode of the Learn Real Polish podcast, I talk about Zygmunt III Waza who was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania as well as King of Sweden. In Warsaw you can see the Sigismund Column in the Old Town.