This episode of Learn Polish Podcast is about chess. I watched “Queen’s Gambit” and it inspired me to talk about chess. As always, this podcast is about learning Polish in a natural way. Please, listen and read the translation as many times as you want, take your time and try to understand the general meaning, rather than every word.
VIP853: Kamizelka – cz.7
Ucz się polskiego poprzez czytanie. Mam dla ciebie następną część “Kamizelki”. Proszę posłuchaj mojego wyjaśnienia, a potem spróbuj samodzielnie przeczytać tekst.
VIP852: Kamizelka – cz.6
This is guided Polish reading comprehension exercise. I read for you Kamizelka by Bolesław Prus and I give you extended explanation of every sentence. I hope you like learn Polish this way.
VIP851: Piosenki o Polsce
We are just after Independence Day, so in this Learn Polish Webinar I read for you some lyrics from songs about Poland.
VIP850: Kamizelka – cz.5
I recommend you to learn Polish by listening to the short story “Kamizelka” by Bolesław Prus. It is an interesting and very effective way to learn Polish. I explain everything to you in Polish, and this allows you to quickly develop your vocabulary.