Learn Polish by reading. This is the last part of the story “Antek” by Bolesław Prus. Please read with me in Polish and follow my explanation.
RP381: Historia Białorusi w skrócie
In this episode of Learn Polish Podcast you will listen to a brief history of Belarus. If you are a beginner I want you to listen and read at the same time. This way you will learn how to pronounce Polish words. On the higher level it is up to you, you can only listen to podcast if you understand almost everything.
VIP823: Antek – cz.19
Ucz się języka polskiego słuchając opowiadania. Polecam naukę języka polskiego poprzez słuchanie “Antka”. Jest to ciekawy i bardzo skuteczny sposób na naukę języka polskiego. Tłumaczę wszystko po polsku, a to pomaga ci szybko rozwinąć słownictwo.
VIP822: Antek – cz.18
Learn Polish with stories | I recommend learning Polish by listening to “Antek”. It is an interesting and very effective way to learn Polish. I explain everything in Polish, and this helps to develop your vocabulary quickly.
VIP821: Jak używać słowa GDYBY | Learn Polish Webinar
This is a replay of the Polish live webinar. This time I explain how to use the word “GDYBY”.