Learn Polish | Listen to my explanations and read story with me. Remember that you don’t have to understand every single word, but please focus on understanding the meaning of whole sentences.
VIP810: Antek – cz.8
Learn Polish | Listen to my explanations and read with me. Remember that it is not important to understand every single word, but rather focus on understanding whole sentences.
VIP809: Antek – cz.7
Aprende polaco | Escucha mis explicaciones y lee conmigo. Recuerde que no es importante entender cada palabra, sino centrarse en la comprensión de oraciones completas.
RP379: Bronisław Malinowski i antropologia
In this episode of Real Polish Podcast I’m talking anthropology and Polish anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski, author of ethnological work ‘The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia’. It’s really interesting story, so please listen and read the Polish transcription at the same time, if you do it often, your Polish will grow really fast.
VIP808: Antek – cz.6
Learn Polish | Słuchaj moich wyjaśnień i czytaj razem ze mną. Pamiętaj, że nie jest ważne, aby zrozumieć każde pojedyncze słowo, raczej skup się na zrozumieniu całych zdań.