Learn Polish | This is another part of the story “Antek”. Please read with me and listen to my explanations. Then try it yourself. This is the best language learning method!
VIP806: O czym myślę? | Learn Polish Webinar
This is a replay of the Polish live webinar. This time we played a “guess what I’m thinking” game.
VIP805: Antek – cz.4
Learn Polish from stories. This is the fourth part of the story “Antek”. Read it with me and listen to my explanations, then read it yourself.
VIP804: Antek – cz.3
To jest trzecia część opowiadania “Antek”. Czytaj razem ze mną i posłuchaj moich wyjaśnień, potem przeczytaj tekst samodzielnie.
RP378: Słowianie i ich języki
In this episode of Real Polish Podcast I’m talking about I’m talking about the Slavs and the origin of their language. You will also listen to recordings of my listeners from Croatia and Ukraine. VIP Club members, among many other benefits, can listen and read the Polish transcription at the same time.