In this episode of Learn Polish Podcast I’m talking about free will and determinism. I wonder how we make decisions. Do we really make them, or maybe they are already determined. Of course this is not philosophical podcast, but I think that interesting topics are great to improve your Polish vocabulary and understanding skills.
VIP793: To jest pestka
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression: To jest pestka
VIP792: Zjeść konia z kopytami
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression: Zjeść konia z kopytami
VIP791: Polska polityka w czasie epidemii | Learn Polish Webinar
This is replay of live learn Polish webinar. This time I am talking a little bit about politics in Poland, and especially about the presidential elections. How our governments are fighting the coronavirus and the allegations of corruption in the Polish government. There is also an interesting case of censorship on Polish radio.
VIP790: Czuć się jak nowonarodzony
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression: Czuć się jak nowonarodzony