In this video you will learn how to use Polish word – Fajrant
RP371: Tamara Łempicka
This is podcast for Polish language learners. This time I am talking about Tamara Lempicka, a Polish painter best known for her Art Deco portraits. In February 2020, her painting Portrait de Marjorie Ferry set a record for the Polish artist’s work ($21.2 million). Reading and listening is the best way to raise the level of the Polish language, so audio and Polish transcriptions are also available.
VIP768: Podburzać kogoś
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression: Podburzać kogoś (podjudzać kogoś) przeciwko komuś
VIP767: Mydlić oczy
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression: Mydlić oczy
VIP766: Koronawirus w Polsce
This is replay of live learn Polish webinar. In this episode I talk about the epidemy of coronavirus in Poland.