In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression:
– Liczyć na kogoś
RP365: Jak Maksymilian Faktorowicz stworzył Max Factor
This podcast is for Polish learners. There are available audio and Polish transcriptions. This episode is about Maksymilian Faktorowicz, a Polish-Jewish businessman, beautician, entrepreneur and inventor, founder of the cosmetics giant Max Factor & Company.
VIP734: Przejęzyczenie
In this Learn Polish video you will learn what it is: przejęzyczenie
VIP733: Zapomnieć języka w gębie
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression: Zapomnieć języka w gębie
VIP732: Rocznica stanu wojennego
This is replay of live Learn Polish Webinar. This time I was talking about martial law in Poland. It is the 38th anniversary when the authoritarian communist government of the Polish People’s Republic drastically restricted normal life by introducing martial law.