This is replay of live Learn Polish Webinar. This time I explained the meaning of several Polish idiomatic expressions.
VIP726: Nie ręczę za siebie
In this video you will learn how to Polish expression: Nie ręczę za siebie
VIP725: Nie życzę sobie
In this video you will learn how to use Polish expression:
– Nie życzę sobie
RP363: Mur berliński
This podcast is for learners of polish. In this episode I’m talking about the Berlin Wall. Of course this podcast is for learners of Polish language, so you have also Polish transcription for your disposal.
VIP724: Mamy ciepłą jesień w tym roku
I made this video on the Vistula river during my walk in November. We have unusual warm fall this year. This type of videos is for practicing your Polish comprehension skill.