In this Learn Polish Webinar I want to tell you more about how it was to live in Poland during communism. I think you will find it interesting and it will be great listening comprehension exercise.
VIP667: Jedziemy zobaczyć budowę mostu (2/2)
Learn Polish from interesting content. This is part two of our trip near Vistula river. Please go to part one if you didn’t watch it.
VIP666: Jedziemy zobaczyć budowę mostu (1/2)
This video I’ve made near Vistula river. I wanted to show you how new bridge is constructed. I hope you find it interesting way to improve your Polish listening skill. This is part one of two.
VIP665: Po mnie choćby potop
In this video I will explain you two Polish common expressions: po mnie choćby potop, grunt to się nachapać
RP352: Czy to jest początek I wojny cybernetycznej?
In this Learn Polish Podcast, I will discuss the trade war between the United States and China, particularly the Huawei case. Why is Huawei on the blacklist? Of course I’m not a political or economic expert, but I think this podcast would be interesting for Polish learners. I’m sure it will be an interesting comprehension exercise for you.