In this episode of Learn Polish Podcast I telling about Leonardo da Vinci, the prime exemplar of the Renaissance Man. The Mona Lisa is the most famous of his works and do you think it is the best portrait he ever made? I’m sure this interesting way you will boost up your level of Polish.
VIP647: Życie mnie nie rozpieszcza
This time you will learn Polish expression:
Życie mnie nie rozpieszcza
VIP646: Biorę to na klatę
This time you will learn really common Polish expression
– Biorę to na klatę / Biorę na klatę konsekwencje
VIP645: Nowe wiadomości z Polski | Learn Polish Webinar
In this webinar I’m talking about some news from Poland, especially about the Easter holidays and the teachers’ strike.
VIP644: Coś mi odbiło
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