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VIP553: Zważona atmosfera
Please login. This content (text, video, mp3) is available for active VIP Club members and All-In-One Plan users only. Not a member yet? Please choose your plan and register your account.
RP333: Dlaczego śpimy
This podcast is for Polish learners. Here you can learn Polish by listening and reading. This time I’m telling about importance of sleeping. Professor Matthew Walker research show us how strong impact of sleep have on human health and disease. I hope this interesting lecture will help you improve your Polish vocabulary and grammar as […]
VIP552: Urodziny dziadka
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VIP551: Polacy lubią przeklinać
Please login. This content (text, video, mp3) is available for active VIP Club members and All-In-One Plan users only. Not a member yet? Please choose your plan and register your account.