This is second part of criminal story in Polish. Please go to VIP169 if you don’t know the first part of this story. Lista webinarów
VIP174: Szarapowa na dopingu [17:42]
Today we will hear news in Polish about Maria Szarapowa. She failed drug test at Australian Open. Szarapowa claimed she had taken meldonium for the past ten years.
VIP173: Jak zwarcano się do siebie w czasie komunizmu [20:22]
Today I want to show you how communists in Poland used to use plural form even if they was talking only with one person. Of course now we don’t use this form any more. It was only in communist time.
VIP172: Prezydent w rowie [21:45]
This time we will learn some typical Polish from news. Today we will hear information about incident on A4 motorway. Rear tire blew in the limousine Polish president was riding. Andrzej Duda was unhurt, but the accident will be examined by experts.
VIP171: Aleks śledzi podejrzanego [16:59]
Today I have for you new Polish lesson :) This time we will learn some vocabulary related to investigations. We will see how two hidden policeman follow a suspicious guy.