Today we will learn Polish expression: pić pod paznokieć :) This is an interview with one of the most popular sportcaster here in Poland. As always we will hear normal speed conversation, so please listen and try to understand as much as you can, then listen to my explanation.
VIP214: Kolonia Karna – Franz Kafka cz.18
Guided reading is very useful way to expand your Polish vocabulary. There is a lot of research about it, Steven Krashen is a big advocate of reading during second-language acquisition. You can go here: Polish Reading and find all parts of In the Penal Colony by Franz Kafka. Polish guided reading: Kolonia Karna – Franz […]
VIP213: Kolonia Karna – Franz Kafka cz.17
This is guided Polish reading comprehension exercise :) I’m reading for you Kolonia Karna by Franz Kafka with extended explanation of every sentence. We reached almost the end of this book, so please let me know what do you think about this kind of learning Polish. I hope you like it and we well start […]
VIP212: Alex przynosi ciastko [22:17]
Today I have for you short Polish listening exercise. Please listen to conversation and try to understand as much as you can. Then please listen to my explanation. You can also make a dictation and check it with Polish transcription below the video.
VIP211: News from Poland – Live Polish Webinar [1:08:49]
I invite you to watch a replay of live learn Polish Webinar. This time we were reading some news, information form Poland and other countries. You can learn what language is used in media, this language is a bit different than casual conversation Polish people have on the street. Lista webinarów