The most important is… WHY learn Polish
If you have your big enough WHY you can start to learn Polish language independently.
My system is designed for those who want to learn Polish whithout going to school. If you want to learn Polish on your own in your free time this system is for you. Here I want to explain how my system works.
I advise you to use these 5 rules to improve and practice your Polish. If you don’t know it, please sing up to my newsletter. Now I will explain how the Learn Real Polish system works. Learn Real Polish is a natural learning system. It is a method that is based on our brain function. Our brain is programmed to learn naturally. This same way you learned how to walk naturally, how to ride a bike, you learned your native language.
How you learned your native language? You learned it by listening for a long time, then you tried to speak and it became automatic. You walked automatically, you ride a bike automatically. Of course you were not perfect at first, but you have improved slowly without stress. And it works perfectly. Why? Because our brain is programmed to learn how to do it.
The problem is that foreign languages are taught at school using an unnatural system: go to class, learn vocabulary lists, learning grammar… Your brain learns but very slowly. It’s boring so you have little motivation. Finally you give up and you can not talk.
Why we can learn our native language using a natural method and then learn a foreign language using a school system that is not natural? My recommendation is of course using a natural learning system to improve your Polish. Even more… if you use a natural system, I guarantee that you will improve really fast. I GUARANTEE your success.
How to use a natural learning system to improve your Polish?
You can read Polish on the Internet or watch movies in Polish (with subtitles if necessary). This is an effective solution which is better than taking Polish class for 10 years…
You can use the Learn Real Polish system. I developed this natural learning system around 5 rules that I explained to you in my newsletter. I think this system is the best system to improve your Polish and learn Polish language independently.
How Learn Real Polish works?
I hope that you understand how works Learn Real Polish system
and why it is important to use this natural learning system.
Now it is important that you take a decision. This decision is what is the next step for you? I gave you information, now you need to decide what this means for you. You can decide not to continue to practice your Polish. It’s a shame but if it is your decision, it is OK. You can choose to use the techniques of learning Polish language only through the resources available on the internet. It’s better than taking a Polish school class.
But you have a chance to improve and practice your Polish. You can start using 100 Daily Polish Stories. You can purchase full 100 Daily Polish Stories program and you will receive a link and you can download these lessons in MP3 and PDF on your computer. Or you can use subscription program that gives you 10 Daily Polish Stories per month for 10 months. You can then listen to real Polish everywhere, as if you were in Poland.