This is the first part of “Pani Dulska przed sądem” by Gabriela Zapolska. It is a continuation of the story from the drama “Moralność pani Dulskiej”. Please read The Morality of Mrs. Dulska first, then you are ready to start reading this part of the story.
VIP697: Czytamy regulamin sklepu | Learn Polish Webinar
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VIP696: Mieć twardą rękę
In this video you will learn how to Polish expression – Mieć twardą rękę
VIP695: Kręcić coś
In this video you will learn how to Polish expression – Kręcić coś
RP357: Protesty w Hongkongu
In this Learn Real Podcast I’m talking about the situation in Hong Kong. Why are people from Hong Kong protesting? I’m sure it will be an interesting way for you to practice your understanding. There is a Polish transcript available for each user of my learning Polish programs, so you can read and listen at […]