Today we have recording from Eduardo, who is Spanish native speaker and he speaks really good in Polish. I’ll try to make some suggestions for him how to improve Polish pronunciation. Improve Your Polish Pronunciation Send your short Polish recording and I will give you some feedback about your Polish pronunciation and how you can […]
VIP154: Poszukiwany morderca [26:14]
Today we will learn Polish from bad news. Kajetan Poznański is accused of murdering a 30-year-old woman in Warsaw. He was dismembering her body using samurai sword. He was fascinated with the film character of Hannibal Lecter.
VIP153: How to use Polish word “jeszcze” [1:11:51]
This is replay of Learn Polish Webinar. At the last webinar we discussed Polish word już, this time I was talking about word jeszcze which has opposite meaning. You can find here lots of examples how to use this word and how to understand it in context. Lista webinarów
VIP152: Jak przejść na ty [13:14]
In this video you will learn how to talk in Polish in formal way and in casual way. Please watch or listen the video, try to understand what’s going on and then I’ll give you more explanations.
VIP151: Siła perswazji [16:05]
Today we have new Polish listening exercise. Please listen how mother is using persuasion in order to wake up her son. Try to understand as much as you can, and after that please listen to my explanations.