This is a replay of the webinar in which you will learn other than the basic meanings of the word “TAK” in Polish.
VIP webinar
VIP1228: Rozwiązujemy rebusy – webinar
This is a replay of the Polish language webinar, in which we solve rebuses in Polish
VIP1223: Idiomy z jedzeniem – webinar
This is a replay of the Polish language webinar, in which I explain the meaning of Polish idiomatic expression: grać o pietruszkę, ciężki kawałek chleba, etc.
VIP1218: niemalże, niespełna…
This is a replay of the Polish language webinar, in which I explain the meaning of Polish words:
niemalże, niespełna, widocznie, przynajmniej, zarazem
VIP1209: Idiomy z owocami – webinar
This is a replay of the Polish language webinar, in which I explain how to use some idiomatic expressions with fruits.