We watch the continuation of the movie “Covered Wagon”, and I explain what is happening on the screen so that you understand everything. In this way, using the comprehensible input method, we learn Polish quickly.
VIP1282: Wspominamy Jobie – webinar
To jest powtórka webinaru, w którym oglądamy zdjęcia Jobie, mojego kochanego pieska. Jobie miała prawie 14 lat i zmarła 28 marca.
VIP1281: Covered Wagon 11
We watch the continuation of the movie “”Caravan””Covered Wagon”, and I explain what is happening on the screen so that you understand everything. In this way, using the comprehensible input method, we learn Polish quickly.
VIP1280: Covered Wagon 10
Ogądamy dalszy ciąg filmu “Karawana”, a ja wyjaśniam co się dzieje na ekranie tak żebyście wszystko zrozumieli. W ten sposób używając metody “comprehensible input” uczymy się szybko języka polskiego.
RP466: Dylemat więźnia – zdradzić czy współpracować
This is the Learn Real Polish Podcast! In this episode, I’ll talk about the prisoner’s dilemma, which is like a game that pops up in many real-life situations where people need to make smart choices. It’s called a “dilemma” because it’s tricky – even though working together would be best, it’s tough for them to trust each other or figure out how to team up effectively. I believe that providing interesting material will help you learn Polish. Listening and reading are the best ways to learn languages. Please consider becoming a premium member at realpolish.pl to access Polish transcripts of this episode and all podcast episodes.