Learn Polish from stories | Tym razem chcę obejrzeć z Wami filmik, który zrobiłem podczas Festiwalu Chleba w Ciechanowcu na Podlasiu
VIP1332: Jakie to słowo? – webinar
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VIP1331: Spięty
In this video you will learn what does it mean Polish word:
– spięty
VIP1330: Gdzie tam
In this video you will learn what does it mean Polish word:
-gdzie tam
RP476: Problemy, problemy…
Learn Polish by listening to the Learn Real Polish podcast! We all find ourselves in difficult situations from which a way out must be found—serious matters that need to be considered and resolved. I’ll talk about the concept of Friedrich Nietzsche, who said: “What does not kill me makes me stronger.”
I also want to tell you about the concept of the “Black Swan” introduced in the book by Nassim Taleb. I invite you to listen and learn some Polish from this episode, and please remember that premium users of realpolish.pl can access the full Polish transcript of every episode of the podcast for deeper comprehension.