Learn Polish by reading short stories! This time I invite you to read Stefan Grabiński’s short story ‘Strange Season’. This short story was written at the beginning of the 20th century and talks about what the future will be like in the 21st century.
RP469: Absurdyzm
Welcome to the latest episode of Learn Real Polish. In this episode, we’ll listen to two recordings I received from Julia and Larysa. They discuss synchronicities in their lives. Additionally, we’ll shift our perspective and delve into absurdism, a theory positing that the universe is irrational and devoid of inherent meaning. I trust that this Polish comprehensible input will facilitate your Polish learning journey and keep it engaging. Premium users of realpolish.pl can also access the complete Polish transcript for enhanced comprehension. Enjoy!
VIP1294: Dziwna stacja 04
¡Aprende polaco leyendo relatos cortos! Esta vez te invito a leer el relato corto de Stefan Grabiński «Estación extraña». Este relato corto fue escrito a principios del siglo XX y habla de cómo será el futuro en el siglo XXI.
VIP1293: Dziwna stacja 03
Learn Polish by reading short stories! This time I invite you to read Stefan Grabiński’s short story “Strange Station”. This short story was written at the beginning of the 20th century and talks about what the future will look like in the 21st century.
VIP1292: Psychologiczny test kolorów – webinar
To jest powtórka webinaru dla osób uczących się języka polskiego. Tym razem razem przechodzimy przez psychologiczny test kolorów. — This is a replay of the webinar for learners of Polish. This time we go through the psychological color test.