Discover the beauty of Polish effortlessly as you watch the classic silent film “Battleship Potemkin,” a masterpiece that shaped cinema history. Let my expert narration guide you through the on-screen events, making it easy to grasp the Polish language. Immerse yourself in this unique language-learning experience and unlock the world of Polish with confidence.
VIP1202: Pancernik Potiomkin 07
Effortlessly learn Polish as you watch the iconic silent film “Battleship Potemkin,” a masterpiece that has left an indelible mark on the history of cinema. With my narrated descriptions of on-screen events, you’ll grasp the language seamlessly. Join me on this language journey and discover Polish in an engaging and immersive way.
RP452: Oppenheimer
In this episode of the Real Polish Podcast, I’m talking about Robert Oppenheimer and the atomic bomb. There’s an important anniversary in September – the Hiroshima and Nagasaki events. It’s a sad part of history, but I think you’ll find it really interesting. Just like always, I’m trying to make this podcast easy for you to understand. That’s why I also have the written version in Polish. If you’re interested, you can check out the premium programs on my website to get transcripts for all podcast episodes. Your support will make your language learning journey even better.
VIP1201: Pancernik Potiomkin 06
Learn Polish by watching “Battleship Potemkin” a classic silent film that shaped the history of cinema. I’ll narrate what happens on the screen, so you’ll easily understand what I’m talking about. I invite you to learn Polish effortlessly.
VIP1200: Pancernik Potiomkin 05
Ucz się polskiego oglądając “Pancernik Potiomkin” klasyczny film niemy, który kształtował historię kina. Będę opowiadał o tym, co dzieje się na ekranie, więc z łatwością zrozumiesz o czym mówię. Zapraszam do nauki polskiego bez wysiłku.