Les invito a ver juntos la película muda “El Conde de Monte Christo”. Durante la proyección, comentaré en polaco lo que ocurre en la pantalla para ayudarte a entender lo que se dice en ese idioma. Es una excelente manera de practicar el polaco.
VIP Club
VIP1249: Monte Cristo 13
I invite you to watch the silent film “The Count of Monte Christo” together. During the screening, I will comment in Polish on what is happening on the screen to make it easier for you to understand what is being said in that language. This is an excellent way to practice the Polish language.
VIP1248: Polskie kolędy – webinar
This is a replay of a live webinar for Polish language learners, in which I explain the lyrics of two Polish Christmas carols.
VIP1247: Monte Cristo 12
Zapraszam do wspólnego obejrzenia niemego filmu “Hrabia Monte Christo”. Podczas seansu będę komentował po polsku, co dzieje się na ekranie, aby ułatwić Ci zrozumienie wypowiedzi w tym języku. Jest to doskonały sposób na ćwiczenie języka polskiego.
VIP1246: Monte Cristo 11
I invite you to join me in watching the silent film “The Count of Monte Cristo.” Throughout the screening, I will provide Polish commentary to describe the scenes unfolding on the screen, allowing you to grasp the nuances of spoken Polish with ease. This interactive experience serves as an effective tool to enhance your listening comprehension skills.