Learn Polish by Watching Movies! Join me for a special screening of the classic film 7th Heaven (1927). During the screening, I’ll be describing the scenes and actions on the screen in Polish, helping you connect the language with the visuals and context. Whether you’re a beginner or already have some knowledge of Polish, this is a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the language and improve your listening skills.
VIP Club
VIP1362: Wiem / Nie wiem – webinar
Tym razem podczas webinaru podałem wiele przykładów na wyrażanie pewności, wątpliwości oraz niewiedzy.
VIP1361: Siódme Niebo 06
Learn Polish by watching movies! Join me for a screening of the film 7th Heaven (1927). During the screening, I will describe what we see on the screen in Polish. It’s a great way to practice the language!
VIP1360: Siódme Niebo 05
Learn Polish by watching movies! Join me for a screening of the film 7th Heaven (1927). During the screening, I will describe what we see on the screen in Polish. It’s a great way to practice the language!
VIP1359: Siódme Niebo 04
Learn Polish by watching movies! Zapraszam na seans filmu “7th Heaven” (1927). Podczas projekcji będę opowiadać o tym co widzimy na ekranie po polsku. To doskonały sposób, aby poćwiczyć język.