In this episode of Learn Real Polish Podcast, we explore the Targowica Confederation, which opposed the Constitution of 3 May 1791 and participated in the Polish–Russian War of 1792. This conflict resulted in the Second and Third Partitions of Poland. The Targowica Confederation has since become synonymous with treachery, reflecting the enduring perception of betrayal in the Polish language. For Polish transcripts of all podcast episodes, become a premium member at and access comprehensive content.
VIP1186: Największy obraz w Polsce
Learn Polish from stories | W kościele w Stegnie jest największy obraz i największy model statku w Polsce. Idziemy to zobaczyć.
VIP1185: Rezerwat kormoranów
Learn Polish from stories | Idziemy do rezerwatu kormoranów w Kątach Rybackich
VIP1184: Wyrażenia ze słowem: słowo
This is a replay of a live webinar for Polish language learners, in which I explain how to use some Polish expressions with the word: słowo
VIP1183: Dlaczego woda jest żółta
Learn Polish from stories | Pewnego dnia woda w Morzu Bałtyckim stała się zupełnie żółta. Dlaczego?