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RP448: Elon Musk
This Real Polish Podcast is a comprehensive input for learners of Polish language. In this episode I talk about famous Elon Musk, one of the the wealthiest persons in the world, a business magnate and investor. Also we will listen to two recordings from users of my learning programs. To access Polish transcripts of all podcast episodes, become a premium member at realpolish.pl
VIP1181: Nosferatu 09
I would like to invite you to watch last part of “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror” with me this time, which is a silent German horror film. As we watch, I will describe the scenes in Polish, ensuring that you easily comprehend my Polish explanations.
VIP1180: Nosferatu 08
I would like to invite you to watch next part of “Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror” with me this time, which is a silent German horror film. As we watch, I will describe the scenes in Polish, ensuring that you easily comprehend my Polish explanations
VIP1179: Wyrażenia ze słowami: czas, chwila, pora
This is a replay of a live webinar for Polish language learners, in which I explain how to use some Polish expressions with the words: czas, chwila, pora