Tym razem podczas webinaru podałem wiele przykładów na wyrażanie pewności, wątpliwości oraz niewiedzy.
VIP1361: Siódme Niebo 06
Learn Polish by watching movies! Join me for a screening of the film 7th Heaven (1927). During the screening, I will describe what we see on the screen in Polish. It’s a great way to practice the language!
VIP1360: Siódme Niebo 05
Learn Polish by watching movies! Join me for a screening of the film 7th Heaven (1927). During the screening, I will describe what we see on the screen in Polish. It’s a great way to practice the language!
RP482: Pięć stylów miłości
In this episode of the Learn Real Polish podcast, I’ll be talking about the five styles of love and how our childhood experiences shape the way we love as adults. As always, I’ll make sure to provide you with comprehensible input to support your Polish learning while keeping the topic interesting and engaging. Premium members can read the entire podcast in Polish realpolish.pl
VIP1359: Siódme Niebo 04
Learn Polish by watching movies! Zapraszam na seans filmu “7th Heaven” (1927). Podczas projekcji będę opowiadać o tym co widzimy na ekranie po polsku. To doskonały sposób, aby poćwiczyć język.