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VIP1357: Strach, groza, zło…
Zapraszam na powtórkę webinaru, który odbył się w Halloween… dlatego tym razem zainteresowały nas słowa: strach, groza, zło, bać się
VIP1356: Siódme Niebo 02
You’re invited to watch “7th Heaven” (1927)! Join me for a classic film experience filled with love and inspiration. I’ll be narrating in Polish while we watch, so it’s a great opportunity to learn the language too.
VIP1355: Siódme Niebo 01
You’re invited to watch “7th Heaven” (1927)! Join me for a classic film experience filled with love and inspiration. I’ll be narrating in Polish while we watch, so it’s a great opportunity to learn the language too.
RP481: Joker i Stańczyk
In this episode of the ‘Learn Real Polish’ podcast, I’ll be talking about the Joker and Stańczyk, who was the most famous Polish court jester. Lady Gaga used a picture of Stańczyk on the cover of her new CD, so I think you’ll be interested to know more about this person. As always, I’ll strive to provide you with comprehensible input to make your Polish learning journey enjoyable and effective. Premium members can read the whole podcast in Polish at