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VIP457: Jak tam w szkole?
Please login. This content (text, video, mp3) is available for active VIP Club members and All-In-One Plan users only. Not a member yet? Please choose your plan and register your account.
RP318: Rozmowa z Jasonem
This time I have a special guest from USA. My friend Jason speaks Polish on a high level, but this time we are not talking about his experiences in learning Polish. This is just casual conversation, so please listen to it and pay attention how we use informal language. Watch video and listen to the […]
VIP456: Spotkałem dziki w lesie
Please login. This content (text, video, mp3) is available for active VIP Club members and All-In-One Plan users only. Not a member yet? Please choose your plan and register your account.
VIP455: Czy ty myślisz o ślubie?
Please login. This content (text, video, mp3) is available for active VIP Club members and All-In-One Plan users only. Not a member yet? Please choose your plan and register your account.